IGP × Formosa Optical × LINE FRIENDS Collaboration Series Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine

LINE FRIENDS is an internationally renowned original IP brand including some widely known characters like Brown, Cony and Sally. And it has continually launched different peripheral products, animations, theme parks and so on...which are all being loved by peoples all over the world. 

Redbox Idea, the boutique gift brand under IGP group specially creates BROWN & FRIENDS series with Taiwan Formosa Optical and LINE FRIENDS.
This time three parties together have launched white, sakura pink and deep blue, 3 colors cleaning machine with up to more than 10 different characters for choice. Each one will make you fondle admiringly and inspire your damsel heart. Besides the optional design, you can also enjoy a customizable laser inscription service to personalize the name or any blessing words on the machine.
The GT SONIC ultrasonic cleaning machine can deeply clean the dust, oil and bacteria on glasses within 5 minutes. It can also help to different daily items like jewelry, watch or brushed.
Eye-catching patterns, extremely sweet customizing service...during this special time including Spring Festival and Valentines’ Day, LINE FRIENDS collaborated series provide the specialist gift choices for you.
IGP always actively pushes forward the cooperation with different cross-border brands or IP, commits to create an exclusive custom boutique gift kingdom in Greater China area.
We provide giant coverage in Greater China Region with the largest corporate gift and premium network in Asia. We serve more than 30000 gift projects and manage more than 500 suppliers. Operation 8 main cities in Southeast Asia and 2 quality inspection centers. Customers can check the information of thousands of gifts....More>>
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